Please Enter Your Information

Personal Information
Do you have middle name?*
Do you have suffix?*
Do you have maiden name (click yes if your current last name is different from your birth last name)?*
Eye color*
Hair color*
Place of Birth
Parents Information
Contact Information
Is your mailing address the same as living address?*
Please confirm that your residence address is:*
Mailing Address
Emergency Contacts (in the event of injury or death)
State ID
Do you have Texas ID?*
What is your ID type?*
Additional Information
Are you a citizen of the United States*
Do you have a health condition that may impede communication with a peace officer?*
Would you like to register as an organ donor?*
Do you own a motor vehicle that is required to be registered?*
Do you own a motor vehicle that is required to have liability insurance OR other proof of financial responsibility in compliance with the Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act?*
Do you currently have or have you ever been diagnosed with or treated for any medical condition that may affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle?*
Do you have a mental condition that may affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle?*
Have you ever had an epileptic seizure, convulsion, loss of consciousness, or other seizure?*
Do you have diabetes requiring treatment by insulin?*
Do you have any alcohol or drug dependencies that may affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle or have you had any episodes of alcohol or drug abuse within the past two years?*
Within the past two years have you been treated for any other serious medical conditions?*
Have you EVER been referred to the Texas Medical Advisory Board for Driver Licensing?*
If you are U.S. citizen, would you like to register to vote?*
Are you a veteran?*
Is your driving license or driver privilege CURRENTLY or EVER been suspended, revoked, cancelled, denied or disqualified in ANY state?*

* By clicking submit, you confirm that all information provided is truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge.